Hello my name is Miss Grist.
This is my third year at Mount Wise and as a teacher. I cannot wait to teach our lovely Swans class this year!
I am passionate about reading, singing and dance, I'd love to hear what your favourite story is or watch your favourite dance move!
Swans PE day is a Tuesday, please come into school wearing your PE kit.
Mount Wise PE Kit is white t-shirt and black shorts, jogging bottoms and plain black trainers.
If parents prefer, they can purchase a Mount Wise PE kit here.
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Smith
Autumn Term Curriculum:
Read below to find out what your child will be learning this term in each subject.
Reading: Your child will bring home a reading book and reading record every day.
Please ensure to hear them read at home as often as possible, preferably 4 times a week. This will support them in become fluent readers and will help them achieve in all subjects.
We will change their reading book at least once a week.