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Believe You Can

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Mount Wise CommunityPrimary School

Tuesday KS1 + Y3 Multi Skills


PAFC Sports Coaches

3:15pm to 4:00pm

Outdoor sports kit including hoodie, zipped top, or fleece and trainers.

Water bottle

This club is for children from year 1 and 2, and children are involved in a variety of fun games and activities to improve their fundamental skills of Agility, Balance and Co-ordination. There are 20 places in total and the club is currently full. However the club list is updated every half term and children on the waiting list have priority for the next term. The club takes place in the school hall, every Tuesdays from 3.15pm - 4.00pm all your child will need is their P.E kit and a water bottle. If you would like your child to attend please complete the permission letter.
