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Believe You Can

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Mount Wise CommunityPrimary School

Year 3 and 4 Magpies

Hello everyone!

I am Mrs Johnson!

I am the LKS2 Phase Leader and Science Lead at Mount Wise Community Primary School.

Here are three facts about me:

1. I have been a teacher for 10 years where I have taught in England and America! This is my fourth year teaching at Mount Wise Community Primary School

2. I went to the University of the West of England in Bristol

3. I love to swim in the sea and play netball


Key information!

Our PE day is a Tuesday. Please wear your PE kit to school ~ this should be black bottoms and a white top with trainers. You may wear your school jumper or a plain black jumper. 



Reading - please read at home 4 x a week. I will look at their reading records every Friday. It is so important that you read at home. Please sign your child's record when you have read with them. 

Maths - Times table Rockstars - please log in several times a week (using the username and password in your child's reading record). 


Autumn Term 2024-2025

Have a look below to see what we will be learning this term!


Mount Wise Community Primary School

Magpies Y3/4

Term: Autumn 2024

Please see below details of what your child will be learning this term at school. This information covers both terms.

English: Reading

English: Writing


VIPERS – a mixture of fiction, non-fiction and poetry

Poetry – Similes (free verse)

Instructions – Non Fiction

Historical Fiction Finding Tale - Fiction

Place value x4 weeks, addition and subtraction x3 weeks, measurement/area x1 week, multiplication and division x4 weeks




Autumn 1: Light (Physics) – looking at the relationship between light and how we see as well as how shadows are formed.

Autumn 2: Food and Digestion (Biology) - looking at the human digestive system and simple food chains


Autumn 1: Real PE (Unit 1 Personal) - children will develop and apply their footwork and one leg balance through focussed skill development sessions, healthy competition, cooperative games and personal best challenges

Autumn 2: Real PE (Unit 2 Social) - children will develop and apply their jumping and landing and seated balance focused skill development sessions, healthy competition, cooperative games and personal best challenges.


Autumn 1: Jigsaw ‘Being Me in My own World’ - children will explore who they are and how they fit in

Autumn 2: Jigsaw ‘Celebrating Difference’ - children will explore similarities and differences, anti-bullying and being unique.




Religion and World Views

Autumn 2 - North American History with a key focus on Ancient Maya


Autumn 1 - Europe with a focus on this continent as well as places in the UK, Alps, and Amalfi Coast

Autumn 1: Theology (Christianity)- We will explore the question: How do people think about the Bible?

Autumn 2: Theology and Social Sciences (Christianity)


Art and Design

Design and Technology


Autumn: Why do we make Art? 

Children will explore using different strokes techniques and colours to understand why we make Art.

Artist focus: Pablo Picasso



Children will learn to sing, play, improvise and compose with the well known song Mamma Mia. Children will listen and appraise more ABBA hits.

Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish


Children will continue to learn how to talk and write in Spanish about relationships and cultures.


Children will continue to develop their knowledge across five areas: Digital Literacy and Online Safety, Computational Thinking and Computers and Hardware. Making use of readily available software and suitable for both Microsoft and Google school




