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Mount Wise CommunityPrimary School

Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages: SPANISH



At Mount Wise, we believe that learning a foreign language is a vital part of a well-rounded education. Our Spanish program aims to cultivate not only linguistic skills but also an appreciation for the rich cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world.


Our Goals

  • Enhance Communication Skills: We aim to develop our pupils' abilities to understand and communicate in Spanish, both verbally and in writing, fostering confident and effective communicators.
  • Cultural Awareness: By exploring the traditions, histories, and everyday lives of Spanish-speaking communities, students will gain a broader perspective and greater respect for different cultures.
  • Cognitive Development: Learning a new language enhances cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking.
  • Global Preparedness: In our increasingly interconnected world, proficiency in Spanish provides students with valuable skills for future educational and career opportunities.


Why Spanish?


1. Enhances Cognitive Abilities

Learning Spanish boosts cognitive development in our pupils. It helps improve memory, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking. Engaging with a new language challenges the brain.


2. Builds Cultural Awareness

Spanish is spoken by over 500 million people worldwide. Learning the language opens doors to understanding and appreciating the diverse cultures, traditions, and histories of Spanish-speaking countries. This cultural awareness fosters empathy and global citizenship in our pupils.


3. Improves Communication Skills

Mastering Spanish enhances overall communication abilities. Pupils learn to listen attentively, articulate their thoughts clearly, and express themselves confidently. These skills are invaluable in both their personal and future professional lives.


4. Promotes Lifelong Learning

Introducing Spanish at a young age instills a love for languages and learning. It encourages curiosity and an open-minded approach to new experiences. Pupils who learn Spanish often find it easier to pick up additional languages in the future, broadening their horizons even further.


At Mount Wise, we are dedicated to providing our pupils with the tools they need to succeed in an interconnected world. Learning Spanish is an enriching experience that benefits them academically, culturally, and personally.


Our Curriculum

At Mount Wise, we follow the iLanguages Spanish Scheme of work. This scheme of work has been created in line with the National Curriculum objectives. We ensure that the scheme is taught progressively, making sure that pupils build on existing knowledge. 


Using 'Vocabulary Organisers' helps pupils to refer to previously learnt vocabulary and extend this knowledge. Lessons incorporate retrieval practice, meaning pupils are encouraged to make links to previous learning. The approaches we implore help pupils to be motivated to learn more and engage with the curriculum content. 


Our Approach


  • Interactive Lessons: We employ interactive and engaging teaching methods, including songs, games, and storytelling, to make learning Spanish fun and memorable.
  • Integrated Curriculum: Spanish is woven into various aspects of the school day, from classroom activities to school-wide events, ensuring consistent and practical language use.
  • Cultural Celebrations: Each Autumn term, we celebrate the 'European Day of Languages'


Watch this space for further curriculum guidance and support. 
